The following 2015 Sermons have been archived. If you would like to have a copy of any of them, please contact the Church Secretary and request them. You can either call at 208-322-6601 or email at
01/03/15 - Pastor George Sova, "Now and Not Yet (Mark 1:14, 15)"
01/10/15 - Pastor George Sova, "The Future Guaranteed (Ephesians 2)"
01/17/15 - Mark Peel
01/24/15 - Mark Peel
01/31/15 - Pastor George Sova
02/07/14 - Pastor George Sova "The God Who Changes His Mind (Luke 41-44)"
02/14/15 - Pastor George Sova "The Ultimate Challenge (Mark 8:34)"
02/21/15 - Camden Ross, "Love's Greatest Task"
02/21/15 - Mark Peel
03/07/15 - Pastor George Sova, "Jesus in the Wilderness (Luke 4:1-13)"
03/14/15 - Pastor George Sova, Final Sermon w/Communion
03/21/15 - Camden Ross, "Two Black Stones
03/28/15 - Kevin & Shawna Benedict with Friends, "God and Big Ideas"
04/04/15 - Camden Ross, "A Murderer, A Bystander, and a Criminal"
04/11/15 - Mark Peel, "Stumbling Home"
04/18/15 - Mark Peel, "Changes"
04/25/15 - Camden Ross, "The Timeline Dilemma"
05/02/15 - Mark Peel & Jami Keller
05/09/15 - Mark Peel, "Built to be Better (Philippians 2)"
05/16/15 - Camden Ross, "Where There is No Vision"
05/23/15 - Camden Ross, "Labeled"
05/30/15 - Shelina Bonjour, "Weddings, Whinings, and Worship (Matthew 22)
06/06/15 - Camden Ross, "While Tere is Still Hope"
06/20/15 - Mark Peel
06/27/15 - Mark Peel
07/04/15 - Camden Ross, "Misusing Prayer"
07/11/15 - Shelina Bonjour, "Snakebites and Salvation (Num 21:4-9)"
07/18/15 - Camden Ross, "Stepping Out: A Garden or a Greenhouse"
07/25/15 - Camden Ross, "Stepping Out: Waiting on God"
08/01/15 - Camden Ross, "Stepping Out: There's Power in the Past"
08/08/15 - Shelina Bonjour, "Lessons from the School of God"
08/15/15 - No Sermon Recorded
08/22/15 - Camden Ross, "The One Thing"
08/29/15 - Mark Peel
09/05/15 - Ervin Furne, "More CAPITAL Letters"
09/12/15 - Shelina Bonjour, "Do You Love Me?--God"
09/19/15 - Mark Peel
09/26/15 - Shawna Benedict, "My Trip to Africa"
10/03/15 - Cam Ross, "Circular God: The Open Loop"
10/10/15 - Cam Ross, "Circular God: The Circular Commandments"
10/17/15 - Cam Ross, "Circular God: The Second Act"
10/24/15 - Mark Peel
10/31/15 - Mark Peel
11/07/15 - Mark Peel
11/14/15 - Mark Peel
11/21/15 - Tim Smith, "It's a Great Day to be Alive!"
11/28/15 - Mark Peel
12/05/15 - Cam Ross, "Silent Night"
12/19/15 - Pastor Ervin Furne, "The Other Christmas Story"
12/26/15 - Cam Ross, "Three Goals for the New Year"